
Switch between different views



import { Tabs, rem } from '@mantine/core';
import { IconPhoto, IconMessageCircle, IconSettings } from '@tabler/icons-react';

function Demo() {
  const iconStyle = { width: rem(12), height: rem(12) };

  return (
    <Tabs defaultValue="gallery">
        <Tabs.Tab value="gallery" leftSection={<IconPhoto style={iconStyle} />}>
        <Tabs.Tab value="messages" leftSection={<IconMessageCircle style={iconStyle} />}>
        <Tabs.Tab value="settings" leftSection={<IconSettings style={iconStyle} />}>

      <Tabs.Panel value="gallery">
        Gallery tab content

      <Tabs.Panel value="messages">
        Messages tab content

      <Tabs.Panel value="settings">
        Settings tab content

Controlled Tabs

To control Tabs state, use value and onChange props:

import { useState } from 'react';
import { Tabs } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = useState<string | null>('first');

  return (
    <Tabs value={activeTab} onChange={setActiveTab}>
        <Tabs.Tab value="first">First tab</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="second">Second tab</Tabs.Tab>

      <Tabs.Panel value="first">First panel</Tabs.Panel>
      <Tabs.Panel value="second">Second panel</Tabs.Panel>

Uncontrolled Tabs

If you do not need to subscribe to Tabs state changes, use defaultValue:

import { Tabs } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Tabs defaultValue="first">
        <Tabs.Tab value="first">First tab</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="second">Second tab</Tabs.Tab>

      <Tabs.Panel value="first">First panel</Tabs.Panel>
      <Tabs.Panel value="second">Second panel</Tabs.Panel>

Change colors

To change colors of all tabs, set color on Tabs component, to change color of the individual tab, set color on Tabs.Tab.

First tab color is teal, it gets this value from context
import { Tabs } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Tabs color="teal" defaultValue="first">
        <Tabs.Tab value="first">Teal tab</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="second" color="blue">
          Blue tab

      <Tabs.Panel value="first" pt="xs">
        First tab color is teal, it gets this value from context

      <Tabs.Panel value="second" pt="xs">
        Second tab color is blue, it gets this value from props, props have the priority and will
        override context value

Tabs position

import { Tabs } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Tabs defaultValue="first">
        <Tabs.Tab value="first">First tab</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="second">Second tab</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="third">Third tab</Tabs.Tab>

To display tab on the opposite side, set margin-left: auto with ml="auto" prop or with className:

import { Tabs } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Tabs defaultValue="chat">
        <Tabs.Tab value="chat">Chat</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="gallery">Gallery</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="settings">Settings</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="account" ml="auto">

Inverted tabs

To make tabs inverted, place Tabs.Panel components before Tabs.List and add inverted prop to Tabs component:

Chat panel
import { Tabs } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Tabs defaultValue="chat" inverted>
      <Tabs.Panel value="chat" pb="xs">Chat panel</Tabs.Panel>
      <Tabs.Panel value="gallery" pb="xs">Gallery panel</Tabs.Panel>
      <Tabs.Panel value="account" pb="xs">Account panel</Tabs.Panel>

        <Tabs.Tab value="chat">Chat</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="gallery">Gallery</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="account">Account</Tabs.Tab>

Vertical tabs placement

To change placement of Tabs.List in vertical orientation set placement prop:

import { Tabs } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Tabs defaultValue="gallery" orientation="vertical">
        <Tabs.Tab value="gallery">Gallery</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="messages">Messages</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="settings">Settings</Tabs.Tab>

      <Tabs.Panel value="gallery">Gallery tab content</Tabs.Panel>
      <Tabs.Panel value="messages">Messages tab content</Tabs.Panel>
      <Tabs.Panel value="settings">Settings tab content</Tabs.Panel>

Custom variants

Example of custom variant with FloatingIndicator:

First tab content
import { useState } from 'react';
import { FloatingIndicator, Tabs } from '@mantine/core';
import classes from './Demo.module.css';

function Demo() {
  const [rootRef, setRootRef] = useState<HTMLDivElement | null>(null);
  const [value, setValue] = useState<string | null>('1');
  const [controlsRefs, setControlsRefs] = useState<Record<string, HTMLButtonElement | null>>({});
  const setControlRef = (val: string) => (node: HTMLButtonElement) => {
    controlsRefs[val] = node;

  return (
    <Tabs variant="none" value={value} onChange={setValue}>
      <Tabs.List ref={setRootRef} className={classes.list}>
        <Tabs.Tab value="1" ref={setControlRef('1')} className={}>
          First tab
        <Tabs.Tab value="2" ref={setControlRef('2')} className={}>
          Second tab
        <Tabs.Tab value="3" ref={setControlRef('3')} className={}>
          Third tab

          target={value ? controlsRefs[value] : null}

      <Tabs.Panel value="1">First tab content</Tabs.Panel>
      <Tabs.Panel value="2">Second tab content</Tabs.Panel>
      <Tabs.Panel value="3">Third tab content</Tabs.Panel>

Disabled tabs

Set disabled prop on Tabs.Tab component to disable tab. Disabled tab cannot be activated with mouse or keyboard, and they will be skipped when user navigates with arrow keys:

import { Tabs } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Tabs defaultValue="chat">
        <Tabs.Tab value="chat">Chat</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="gallery">Gallery</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="settings" disabled>
        <Tabs.Tab value="account">Account</Tabs.Tab>

Activation mode

By default, tabs are activated when user presses arrows keys or Home/End keys. To disable that set activateTabWithKeyboard={false} on Tabs component:

Chat panel
import { Tabs } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Tabs defaultValue="chat" activateTabWithKeyboard={false}>
      {/* ...content */}

Tab deactivation

By default, active tab cannot be deactivated. To allow that set allowTabDeactivation on Tabs component:

Chat panel
import { Tabs } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Tabs defaultValue="chat" allowTabDeactivation>
      {/* ...content */}

Unmount inactive tabs

By default, inactive Tabs.Panel will stay mounted, to unmount inactive tabs, set keepMounted={false} on Tabs. This is useful when you want to render components that impact performance inside Tabs.Panel. Note that components that are rendered inside Tabs.Panel will reset their state on each mount (tab change).

import { Tabs } from '@mantine/core';

// Second tab panel will be mounted only when user activates second tab
function Demo() {
  return (
    <Tabs keepMounted={false} defaultValue="first">
        <Tabs.Tab value="first">First tab</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="second">Second tab</Tabs.Tab>

      <Tabs.Panel value="first">First panel</Tabs.Panel>
      <Tabs.Panel value="second">Second panel</Tabs.Panel>

Get tab control ref

import { useRef } from 'react';
import { Tabs } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const secondTabRef = useRef<HTMLButtonElement>(null);

  return (
    <Tabs defaultValue="first">
        <Tabs.Tab value="first">First tab</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="Second" ref={secondTabRef}>
          Second tab
        <Tabs.Tab value="third">Third tab</Tabs.Tab>

Usage with react-router

<Route path="/tabs/:tabValue" element={<Demo />} />
import { useNavigate, useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Tabs } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const navigate = useNavigate();
  const { tabValue } = useParams();

  return (
      onChange={(value) => navigate(`/tabs/${value}`)}
        <Tabs.Tab value="first">First tab</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="second">Second tab</Tabs.Tab>

Usage with Next.js router

// For file /tabs/[activeTab].tsx
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { Tabs } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const router = useRouter();

  return (
      value={router.query.activeTab as string}
      onChange={(value) => router.push(`/tabs/${value}`)}
        <Tabs.Tab value="first">First tab</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="second">Second tab</Tabs.Tab>

Styles API

Tabs supports Styles API, you can add styles to any inner element of the component withclassNames prop. Follow Styles API documentation to learn more.

Component Styles API

Hover over selectors to highlight corresponding elements

 * Hover over selectors to apply outline styles

Example of Styles API usage to customize tab styles:

.tab {
  position: relative;
  border: 1px solid light-dark(var(--mantine-color-gray-2), var(--mantine-color-dark-4));
  background-color: light-dark(var(--mantine-color-white), var(--mantine-color-dark-6));

  &:first-of-type {
    border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;

    @mixin rtl {
      border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;

  &:last-of-type {
    border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;

    @mixin rtl {
      border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;

  & + & {
    border-left-width: 0;

    @mixin rtl {
      border-right-width: 0;
      border-left-width: 1px;

  @mixin hover {
    background-color: light-dark(var(--mantine-color-gray-0), var(--mantine-color-dark-5));

  &[data-active] {
    z-index: 1;
    background-color: var(--mantine-color-blue-filled);
    border-color: var(--mantine-color-blue-filled);
    color: var(--mantine-color-white);

    @mixin hover {
      background-color: var(--mantine-color-blue-filled-hover);


Tabs component follows WAI-ARIA recommendations on accessibility.

If you use Tabs.Tab without text content, for example, only with icon, then set aria-label or use VisuallyHidden component:

import { IconCoin } from '@tabler/icons-react';
import { Tabs, VisuallyHidden } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Tabs defaultValue="chat">
        {/* aria-label is not required, tab is labelled by children */}
        <Tabs.Tab value="chat">Chat</Tabs.Tab>

        {/* aria-label is required, tab is not labelled by children */}
          aria-label="Get money"
          leftSection={<IconCoin size={14} />}

        {/* You can use VisuallyHidden instead of aria-label */}
        <Tabs.Tab value="money" leftSection={<IconCoin size={14} />}>
          <VisuallyHidden>Get money</VisuallyHidden>

To set tabs list label, set aria-label on Tabs.List component, it will be announced by screen reader:

import { Tabs } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Tabs defaultValue="recent">
      {/* Tabs.List aria-label will be announced when tab is focused for the first time */}
      <Tabs.List aria-label="Chats">
        <Tabs.Tab value="recent">Most recent</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="recent">Unanswered</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab value="archived">Archived</Tabs.Tab>

Keyboard interactions

ArrowRightFocuses and activates next tab that is not disabledorientation="horizontal"
ArrowLeftFocuses and activates previous tab that is not disabledorientation="horizontal"
ArrowDownFocuses and activates next tab that is not disabledorientation="vertical"
ArrowUpFocuses and activates previous tab that is not disabledorientation="vertical"
HomeFocuses and activates first tab
EndFocuses and activates last tab