Display link with theme styles
Anchor component props
Name | Type | Description |
color | MantineColor | @deprecated Use c prop instead |
gradient | MantineGradient | Gradient configuration, ignored when variant is not gradient , theme.defaultGradient by default |
inherit | boolean | Determines whether font properties should be inherited from the parent, false by default |
inline | boolean | Sets line-height to 1 for centering, false by default |
lineClamp | number | Number of lines after which Text will be truncated |
size | MantineSize | (string & {}) | Controls font-size and line-height , 'md' by default |
truncate | TextTruncate | Side on which Text must be truncated, if true , text is truncated from the start |
underline | "always" | "hover" | "not-hover" | "never" | Determines in which cases link should have text-decoration: underline styles, hover by default |
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