Usage with TypeScript

All @mantine/* packages are fully compatible with TypeScript. All examples in the documentation are written in TypeScript – you can copy-paste them to your project without any changes.

This guide will help you get familiar with types that @mantine/core package exports.

Components props types

Each @mantine/ package that exports components, exports props types for these components as well. You can import component props types by adding Props to the component name, for example, you can import Button and DatePicker components props like so:

import type { ButtonProps } from '@mantine/core';
import type { DatePickerProps } from '@mantine/dates';

Note that there are two variations of props types: for polymorphic components and for regular components. Regular components props types include React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'X'>, where X is the root element type, for example 'div'.

Example of extending regular component props:

import { Group, GroupProps } from '@mantine/core';

// Interface includes `React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'div'>`
interface MyGroupProps extends GroupProps {
  spacing: number;

function MyGroup({ spacing, ...others }: MyGroupProps) {
  return <Group my={spacing} {...others} />;

Polymorphic components props types do not include React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'X'> because their root element depends on the component prop value.

Example of extending polymorphic components props:

import { Button, ButtonProps, ElementProps } from '@mantine/core';

interface MyButtonProps
  extends ButtonProps,
    ElementProps<'button', keyof ButtonProps> {
  height: number;

function MyButton({ height, ...others }: MyButtonProps) {
  return <Button style={{ height }} {...others} />;

ElementProps type

ElementProps is a utility type similar to React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef, but with additional features. It replaces native elements style prop with Mantine style prop and allows omitting properties that are passed as a second type.

import { ButtonProps, ElementProps } from '@mantine/core';

// Equivalent of `React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'button'>`
type ButtonElementProps = ElementProps<'button'>;

// Equivalent of `Omit<React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'button'>, 'color' | 'onClick'>`
type OmitColor = ElementProps<'button', 'color' | 'onClick'>;

// Removes all Mantine component props from React component props
// to avoid props types conflicts
// Equivalent of `Omit<React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'button'>, keyof ButtonProps>`
type OmitButtonProps = ElementProps<'button', keyof ButtonProps>;

MantineTheme type

MantineTheme is a type of theme object. You can use it to add types to functions that accept theme object as an argument:

import { MantineTheme, useMantineTheme } from '@mantine/core';

function getPrimaryColor(theme: MantineTheme) {

function Demo() {
  const theme = useMantineTheme();
  return <div style={{ color: getPrimaryColor(theme) }} />;

MantineThemeOverride type

MantineThemeOverride type is a deep partial of MantineTheme. It can be used in functions that accept theme override as an argument:

import {
} from '@mantine/core';

const baseTheme = createTheme({
  fontFamily: 'Helvetica, sans-serif',

function mergeThemes(themes: MantineThemeOverride[]) {
  return mergeThemeOverrides(baseTheme, ...themes);

const overrideTheme = createTheme({
  primaryColor: 'blue',

const overrideTheme2 = createTheme({
  cursorType: 'pointer',

const mergedTheme = mergeThemes([overrideTheme, overrideTheme2]);

MantineColorScheme type

MantineColorScheme is a union of 'light' | 'dark' | 'auto' values. You can use to add types to function that accept color scheme as an argument:

import {
} from '@mantine/core';

function getComputedColorScheme(colorScheme: MantineColorScheme) {
  return colorScheme === 'auto' ? 'light' : colorScheme;

function Demo() {
  const { colorScheme } = useMantineColorScheme();
  const computed = getComputedColorScheme(colorScheme);

MantineSize type

MantineSize type is a union of 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' values. You can use to add types to various props that accept size as an argument, for example, radius, shadow, p.

import { MantineSize, Paper } from '@mantine/core';

interface DemoProps {
  size: MantineSize;
  radius: MantineSize | (string & {}) | number;
  shadow: MantineSize | string;

function Demo({ size, radius, shadow }: DemoProps) {
  return <Paper radius={radius} shadow={shadow} p={size} m={size} />;

Theme object declarations

You can change theme.other and theme.colors types by extending MantineTheme interface in .d.ts file. Create mantine.d.ts anywhere in your project (must be included in tsconfig.json) to extend theme object types.

To override theme.other:

// mantine.d.ts
declare module '@mantine/core' {
  export interface MantineThemeOther {
    myCustomProperty: string;
    myCustomFunction: () => void;

To override theme.colors:

import {
} from '@mantine/core';

type ExtendedCustomColors =
  | 'primaryColorName'
  | 'secondaryColorName'
  | DefaultMantineColor;

declare module '@mantine/core' {
  export interface MantineThemeColorsOverride {
    colors: Record<ExtendedCustomColors, MantineColorsTuple>;

Note that extending theme type is not required, it is only needed if you want to make your theme object types more strict and add autocomplete in your editor.

Custom variants types

You can define types for custom variants by extending {x}Props interface with the new variant type in your mantine.d.ts file.

Example of adding custom variant type to Button component:

import { ButtonVariant, MantineSize } from '@mantine/core';

type ExtendedButtonVariant = ButtonVariant | 'contrast' | 'radial-gradient';

declare module '@mantine/core' {
  export interface ButtonProps {
    variant?: ExtendedButtonVariant;