Uncontrolled mode

use-form uncontrolled mode to improve performance

Controlled mode

Controlled mode is the default mode of the form. In this mode, the form data is stored in React state and all components are rerendered when form data changes. Controlled mode is not recommended for large forms.

Example of a form with controlled mode:

Form values:

  "name": "",
  "email": ""

Submitted values:

import { useState } from 'react';
import { Button, Code, Text, TextInput } from '@mantine/core';
import { hasLength, isEmail, useForm } from '@mantine/form';

function Demo() {
  const form = useForm({
    mode: 'controlled',
    initialValues: { name: '', email: '' },
    validate: {
      name: hasLength({ min: 3 }, 'Must be at least 3 characters'),
      email: isEmail('Invalid email'),

  const [submittedValues, setSubmittedValues] = useState<typeof form.values | null>(null);

  return (
    <form onSubmit={form.onSubmit(setSubmittedValues)}>
      <TextInput {...form.getInputProps('name')} label="Name" placeholder="Name" />
      <TextInput {...form.getInputProps('email')} mt="md" label="Email" placeholder="Email" />
      <Button type="submit" mt="md">

      <Text mt="md">Form values:</Text>
      <Code block>{JSON.stringify(form.values, null, 2)}</Code>

      <Text mt="md">Submitted values:</Text>
      <Code block>{submittedValues ? JSON.stringify(submittedValues, null, 2) : '–'}</Code>

As you can see in the example above, form.values update on every change. This means that every component that uses form.values will rerender on every change.

Uncontrolled mode

Uncontrolled mode is an alternative mode of the form introduced in 7.8.0 release. It is now the recommended mode for all forms. Uncontrolled mode provides significant performance improvements for large forms.

With uncontrolled mode, the form data is stored in a ref instead of React state and form.values are not updated on every change.

Example of a form with uncontrolled mode:

Form values:

  "name": "",
  "email": ""

Submitted values:

import { useState } from 'react';
import { Button, Code, Text, TextInput } from '@mantine/core';
import { hasLength, isEmail, useForm } from '@mantine/form';

function Demo() {
  const form = useForm({
    mode: 'uncontrolled',
    initialValues: { name: '', email: '' },
    validate: {
      name: hasLength({ min: 3 }, 'Must be at least 3 characters'),
      email: isEmail('Invalid email'),

  const [submittedValues, setSubmittedValues] = useState<typeof form.values | null>(null);

  return (
    <form onSubmit={form.onSubmit(setSubmittedValues)}>
      <Button type="submit" mt="md">

      <Text mt="md">Form values:</Text>
      <Code block>{JSON.stringify(form.values, null, 2)}</Code>

      <Text mt="md">Submitted values:</Text>
      <Code block>{submittedValues ? JSON.stringify(submittedValues, null, 2) : '–'}</Code>

As you can see in the example above, form.values do not update at all.


form.getValues function returns current form values. It can be used anywhere in the component to get the current form values. It can be used in both controlled and uncontrolled modes.

import { useForm } from '@mantine/form';

const form = useForm({
  mode: 'uncontrolled',
  initialValues: { name: 'John Doe' },

form.getValues(); // { name: 'John Doe' }

form.setValues({ name: 'John Smith' });
form.getValues(); // { name: 'John Smith' }

Although form.values can be used to get the current form values in controlled mode, it is recommended to use form.getValues instead as it always returns the latest values while form.values is outdated in uncontrolled mode and before state update in controlled mode.

import { useForm } from '@mantine/form';

const form = useForm({
  mode: 'uncontrolled',
  initialValues: { name: 'John Doe' },

const handleNameChange = () => {
  form.setFieldValue('name', 'Test Name');

  // ❌ Do not use form.values to get the current form values
  // form.values has stale name value until next rerender in controlled mode
  // and is always outdated in uncontrolled mode
  console.log(form.values); // { name: 'John Doe' }

  // ✅ Use form.getValues to get the current form values
  // form.getValues always returns the latest form values
  console.log(form.getValues()); // { name: 'Test Name' }

form.getValues() returns a ref value of the current form values. This means that you cannot pass it to useEffect dependencies array as it will always be the same reference.

import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useForm } from '@mantine/form';

const form = useForm({ mode: 'uncontrolled' });

useEffect(() => {
  // ❌ This will not work as form.getValues() is a ref value
  // and will always be the same reference
}, [form.getValues()]);

Instead of observing form values with useEffect, use onValuesChange callback to listen to form values changes:

import { useForm } from '@mantine/form';

const form = useForm({
  mode: 'uncontrolled',
  initialValues: { name: 'John Doe' },
  onValuesChange: (values) => {
    // ✅ This will be called on every form values change


form.getInputProps returns different props for controlled and uncontrolled modes. In controlled mode, the returned object has value prop, while in uncontrolled mode it has defaultValue prop.

Uncontrolled mode relies on key returned from form.key() to update components when form.setFieldValue or form.setValues are called. You should set key supplied by form.key() to the input component to ensure that it has updated value:

import { useForm } from '@mantine/form';

function Demo() {
  const form = useForm({
    mode: 'uncontrolled',
    initialValues: { text: '' },

  return (
    <input {...form.getInputProps('text')} key={form.key('text')} />

In case you need to have a list of fields, do not pass key to the input component directly, instead add a wrapper element and pass key to it:

import { useForm } from '@mantine/form';
import { randomId } from '@mantine/hooks';

// ❌ Incorrect: Do not override key prop, even in lists
function Demo() {
  const form = useForm({
    mode: 'uncontrolled',
    initialValues: {
      jobs: [{ company: 'Google' }, { company: 'Facebook' }],

  const fields = form.getValues().jobs.map((_, index) => (

  return <form>{fields}</form>;

// ✅ Correct: Add wrapper element and pass key to it
function Demo() {
  const form = useForm({
    mode: 'uncontrolled',
    initialValues: {
      jobs: [
        { company: 'Google', key: randomId() },
        { company: 'Facebook', key: randomId() },

  const fields = form.getValues().jobs.map((item, index) => (
      <div key={item.key}>

  return <form>{fields}</form>;

Uncontrolled mode in custom components

If you want to build a custom component that supports uncontrolled form mode, you must add support for defaultValue prop. The best way to add support for defaultValue is to use use-uncontrolled hook:

import { useUncontrolled } from '@mantine/hooks';

interface CustomInputProps {
  value?: string;
  defaultValue?: string;
  onChange?: (value: string) => void;

// ✅ CustomInput supports both controlled and uncontrolled modes
function CustomInput({
}: CustomInputProps) {
  const [_value, handleChange] = useUncontrolled({
    finalValue: 'Final',

  return (
      onChange={(event) => handleChange(event.currentTarget.value)}

function Demo() {
  const form = useForm({
    mode: 'uncontrolled',
    initialValues: { text: 'Initial' },

  // ✅ CustomInput supports `defaultValue` prop,
  // it can be used in uncontrolled mode
  return (