Form status

Get fields and form touched, dirty and submitting statuses

Touched and dirty state

form.isTouched and form.isDirty fields provide information about current field status:

  • Field is considered to be touched when user focused it or its value was changed programmatically with form.setFieldValue handler
  • Field is considered to be dirty when its value was changed and new value is different from field value specified in initialValues (compared with fast-deep-equal)
import { useForm } from '@mantine/form';
import { TextInput, Button } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const form = useForm({
    mode: 'uncontrolled',
    initialValues: { text: 'initial value' },

  return (
        label="Touched/dirty demo"
        placeholder="Touched/dirty demo"

        onClick={() =>
          console.log({ touched: form.isTouched('text'), dirty: form.isDirty('text') })
        Log status to console

isTouched and isDirty functions

import { useForm } from '@mantine/form';

const form = useForm({
  mode: 'uncontrolled',
  initialValues: { a: 1, nested: { field: '' } },

// Provide path as first argument to get state of single field
form.isTouched('a'); // -> was field 'a' focused or changed?
form.isDirty('a'); // -> was field 'a' modified?
form.isDirty('nested.field'); // -> nested fields are also supported

// If field path is not provided,
// then functions will return form state instead
form.isTouched(); // -> was any field in form focused or changed?
form.isDirty(); // -> was any field in form modified?

touchTrigger option

touchTrigger option allows customizing events that change touched state. It accepts two options:

  • change (default) – field will be considered touched when its value changes or it has been focused
  • focus – field will be considered touched only when it has been focused

Example of using focus trigger:

import { useForm } from '@mantine/form';

const form = useForm({
  mode: 'uncontrolled',
  initialValues: { a: 1 },
  touchTrigger: 'focus',

form.isTouched('a'); // -> false
form.setFieldValue('a', 2);
form.isTouched('a'); // -> false

// onFocus is called automatically when the user focuses the field
form.isTouched('a'); // -> true

Initial values

You can provide initial touched and dirty values with initialTouched and initialDirty properties. Both properties support the same fields path format as errors:

import { useForm } from '@mantine/form';

const form = useForm({
  mode: 'uncontrolled',
  initialValues: { a: 1, nested: { field: '' } },
  initialTouched: { a: true, 'nested.field': true },
  initialDirty: { a: true, 'nested.field': true },

resetTouched and resetDirty

form.resetTouched and form.resetDirty functions will make all fields clean and untouched. Note that form.reset will also reset touched and dirty state:

import { useForm } from '@mantine/form';

const form = useForm({
  mode: 'uncontrolled',
  initialValues: { a: 1 },
  initialTouched: { a: true },
  initialDirty: { a: true },

form.isDirty('a'); // -> true
form.isTouched('a'); // -> true

form.isTouched('a'); // -> false

form.isDirty('a'); // -> false

To reset values that are used for dirty check call form.resetDirty with new values:

import { useForm } from '@mantine/form';

const form = useForm({
  mode: 'uncontrolled',
  initialValues: { a: 1 },

form.setValues({ a: 2 });
form.isDirty(); // -> true

form.resetDirty({ a: 2 });
form.isDirty(); // -> false

form.setValues({ a: 3 });
form.isDirty(); // -> true

Submitting state

form.submitting field will be set to true if function passed to form.onSubmit returns a promise. After the promise is resolved or rejected, form.submitting will be set to false:

import { useState } from 'react';
import { Button, Group, Stack, Text, TextInput } from '@mantine/core';
import { useForm } from '@mantine/form';

const asyncSubmit = (values: any) =>
  new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(values), 3000));

function Demo() {
  const form = useForm({
    mode: 'uncontrolled',
    initialValues: { name: 'John' },

  const [completed, setCompleted] = useState(false);

  const handleSubmit = async (values: typeof form.values) => {
    await asyncSubmit(values);

  if (completed) {
    return (
        <Text>Form submitted!</Text>
        <Button onClick={() => setCompleted(false)}>Reset to initial state</Button>

  return (
    <form onSubmit={form.onSubmit(handleSubmit)}>
        placeholder="Your name"

      <Group justify="flex-end" mt="md">
        <Button type="submit" loading={form.submitting}>

You can also manually set form.submitting to true or false:

import { useForm } from '@mantine/form';

const form = useForm({ mode: 'uncontrolled' });
form.submitting; // -> false

form.submitting; // -> true

form.submitting; // -> false