Ctrl + K
Basic select
Primitive select component
Select with active option
Active option is marked in the dropdown
Searchable select
Select with search
Select with options limit
100 000 options searchable select
Select with custom option
Select with custom option and value component
Select with async data
Data is requested only when the dropdown is opened
Select with clear button
Clearable select
Select with search in dropdown
Select with search input in the dropdown
Select option on hover
Move selection to hovered option
Options groups
Select with options groups
Searchable select with groups
Options filtering with grouped data
Custom group styles
Customize groups styles with Styles API
Creatable select
Select with option to create new options
Basic autocomplete
Primitive autocomplete component
Autocomplete with options limit
100 000 options search
Async autocomplete
Autocomplete with async data
Autocomplete with highlight
Autocomplete with highlighted search query in options
Select first option on type
Autocomplete with first option selected when user types
Dynamic options
Autocomplete with options that depend on the user input
Clearable autocomplete
Autocomplete with clear button
Basic multiselect
Primitive multiselect component
Searchable multiselect
Multiselect with search
Max selected options
Limit max number of options that can be selected
Multiselect with checkboxes
Multiselect options with checkboxes
Hide active options
Remove active options from the dropdown
Max displayed values
Limit max number of values that can be displayed
Custom value pills
Use a custom component to render selected values
Creatable multiselect
Multiselect with option to create new options
Basic button
Primitive combobox with button target
Button with search in dropdown
Button with search input in the dropdown
Button multi select
Button with multiple items selection
Dropdown scroll
Dropdown with native scrollbars
Dropdown with ScrollArea
Dropdown with ScrollArea.Autosize scrollbars
Dropdown with header
Dropdown with ScrollArea and header
Dropdown with footer
Dropdown with ScrollArea and footer
Dropdown with custom styles
Change dropdown styles with Styles API
Custom selected styles
Customize selected option styles
Dropdown animation
Dropdown with open/close animation
Dropdown with option animation
Play options animation on dropdown open
Animate selected option
Play options animation on when option is selected
Smooth scroll
Smooth scroll of the options with keyboard navigation
Inline options list
Inline list with checkboxes
Transfer list
Transfer list with search
Nothing found...